20 Aug

Nigerian University Final Year Law Project Topics and Materials

A Case for the Establishment of Courts of Arbitration in Nigeria

A Case for the Retention of Capital Punishment

A Case for the Review of Trade Dispute Settlement Procedure in Nigeria

A Comparative Analysis of Jurisdiction in International Law and Municipal Law in Nigeria

A Comparative Analysis of the Enforcement of Fundamental Human Rights in Africa and the First World

A Contextual Analysis of the Twin Concepts of Ownership and Possession in Mortgage Transactions in Nigeria

A critical analysis Land Registration Law in Nigeria;

A Critical Analysis of the Ancilliary reliefs Under Nigerian Marriage Law

A Critical Analysis of the Customary Systems of Inheritance in Nigeria.

A critical Analysis of the Lagos State Land Registration Law.

A critical Analysis of the Right to Fair Hearing Under Nigerina Law.

A Critical Appraisal of Legitimacy and Legitimation in Nigeria

A Critical Appraisal of the Right to Environment in Nigeria

A Critical Appraisal of the Right to Freedom of Association in Nigeria

A Critical Appraisal of the Rivers State Administration of Criminal Justice Law

A critical Appraisal of the Wills Law of Lagos State.

A Critical Examination of the Doctrine of Estoppel under Nigerian Law

A Critical Examination of the Doctrine of Ripeness under Nigerian Law

A Critical Examination of the Nature and Effects of Easement

A Critical Examination of the Nature of a Right of Occupancy

A Critical View of the Requirements for the Incorporation of Companies in Nigeria

A Critique of the Doctrine of Uberrima Fidei in Contracts of Employment

A Legal Analysis of Sports Law and Contracts

A Legal Analysis of the Torts of Enticement and Habouring

A Legal and Jurisprudential Analysis of the Rights of the Nigerian Child.

A Legal Appraisal of Legislatures and Law making in Nigeria

A Legal Examination of Environmental Rights in Nigeria

A Legal Examination of Banker-Customer Relationships in Nigeria

A Legal Examination of the Concept of Caveat Emptor

A Legal Examination of the Right to Education in Nigeria

A Legal Examination of the Rights of a Married Woman

A Legal Examination of the Rights of Students: A Case Study of Rivers State

A Reappraisal of the Evidential Value of Unregistered Registrable Instruments in the Light of the Supreme Court Decision in Benjamin v Kalio (2018) 15 NWLR (Pt 1641) 38

A Statutory Framework: A Panacea for the Emergence of Viable Image Rights Exploitation in Nigerian Sports

Abandonment of Ship (Cargo) at Sea: A Critique

Administration of Estates Under Nigerian Law.

Administrative Law and Good Governance: A Needed Synergy

Administrative law in Traditional African Society and Evolution of Modern Government

Admissibility of Electronically Generated Evidence in Nigeria

Adverse Possession Under Nigerian Land Law; A shield or a Sword?;

Advocating for a Tax Compliant An Analysis of Tax Evasion and Avoidance and Proposals for more effective imposition and administration

An Analysis of Feminist Legal Theories

An Analysis of Labour Rights of Sports Professionals: A Case Study of Nigerian Professional Football League.

An analysis of the Consent Provisions of the Land Use Act, Nigeria.

An Analysis of the defence of Automatism under Nigerian Law.

An Analysis of the Legal Effects of Marriage in Nigeria

An Analysis of the Legal Framework for Environmental Protection in Nigeria

An Appraisal of Defence of Insanity

An Appraisal of Compliance with the Provisions of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPA) Code in Nigeria

An Appraisal of Consumer Protection in the Telecommunications Sector

An Appraisal of Consumer Rights and Protection in the Aviation Industry

An Appraisal of Internet Banking in Nigeria: Prospects and Challenges

An Appraisal of Public Interest Litigation in Nigeria

An Appraisal of Rule of Law, Freedom of Expression and the Press under Democratic Regimes

An Appraisal of the Concept of Constitutional Supremacy in Nigeria

An Appraisal of the Concept of Ombudsman: A Case Study of Rivers State

An Appraisal of the Concept of Rule of Law in Nigeria

An Appraisal of the Criminal Code and Penal Code: A Case for Abolition

An Appraisal of the Defences to Criminal Liability in Nigeria

An Appraisal of the Implementation of Gender Equality Visa-Vis Intestate Succession : A Case Study of Ikwerre Native Law and Custom

An Appraisal of the Laws against Homosexuality in Nigeria

An Appraisal of the Legal and Institutional Framework for Oil and Gas Exploration in Nigeria

An Appraisal of the Legal and Institutional Framework for the Protection of Electricity Consumers in Nigeria

An Appraisal of the Legal Framework for Good Governance in Nigeria A Legal Examination of the Concept of Fiscal Federalism in Nigeria

An Appraisal of the Legal Framework for the Protection of Consumer Rights in the Nigerian Banking Sector

An Appraisal of the Legal Framework for the Protection of Marine Environment in Nigeria

An Appraisal of the Legal Regime of Deep Seabed Mining under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982

An Appraisal of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006

An Appraisal of the Multi-Door Court House System

An Appraisal of the Powers of the Chief Judge

An Appraisal of the Rights and Duties of Nigeria as a Coastal State under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982

An Evaluation of The legal compliance for transporting crude oil in Nigeria

An Examination of How Justice Diminishes the Effects of Law in the Society

An Examination of the Concept of Amnesty

An Examination of the Dangers of Gas Flaring; Providing a Legal Solution

An Examination of the Functions of Law in Contemporary Jurisprudential Legal System

An Examination of the Legal Capacity of Children

An Examination of the Legal Framework for Administration of Estates in Rivers State

An Examination of the Legal Framework for Transparency in Rivers State

An Examination of the Legal Framework on the Right of a Legal Practitioner to Practice

An Examination of the Powers and Duties of a University

An Examination of the Rights of Electricity Consumers in Nigeria

An Examination of the Symbiotic Relationship between Arbitration and the Courts in the Nigerian Judicial System

An investigation into the effects of national laws on the operations of the FPSO oil facilities in Nigeria

Appraising International Legal Efforts to Address Human Induced Global Climate Change

Appraising Public Interest Litigation as a Mechanism for Enforcing Environmental Rights and Duties in Nigeria

Appraising the Role of Local Communities in Environmental and Natural Resource Management: The Case of Nigeria

Arrest of Ship in International Law: The Legal Perspective

Assessing the Relevance of Market Overt Rule and the Influence of Technology on Online Sales

Assessing the Impact of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Protection of Telecommunications Consumers

Assessment of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Act 1992

Balancing State Security and the Rule of Law in Nigeria; A Critical Analysis

Between Product Sharing Contract and Joint Venture: Which Way Nigeria

Both the Constitution and International Law Permit Restrictions on Freedom of Expression only as Necessary

Cabotage Vessel Financing Fund (CVFF) and Indigenous Shipping Development in Nigeria: Search for Sustainable Funding Option.

Capital Punishment and the right to Life in Nigeria.

Child Justice Administration in Nigeria

Child Marriage in Nigeria; The need for Eradication

Collective Investment Schemes under Nigerian Law as Investment Option: Challenges and Prospects

Commentary on the Subjects of International Law

Constitutional Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Constructive Notice and Indoor Management Rule in Nigerian Jurisprudence: An Analysis

Consumer Protection in Nigeria the Existing Legal Framework and Suggested Improvements

Contemporary Nature of Heterosexual Offence and the Need to Reform the Nigerian Law on Rape

Conveyance of Rights in the Oil and Gas Industry: Effective Resolution of Disputes Arising

Copyright and Folklore Protection in Nigeria

Copyright As a Tool for Economic Development.

Corporate Criminal Responsibility: The imputation of liability under Nigerian Law.

Corporate Governance and Duties of Directors: An Appraisal

Corporate Governance in Nigeria: Issues and Challenges

Corporate Governance in Nigeria; The Humble Beginnings and Prospective Future

Corporate Insolvency Law and Practice in Nigeria: A Need for Reform

Corruption and Maladminstration in Nigeria; Facts, Figures and Facets.

Corruption and the Criminal Justice System in Nigeria; The Role of the Judiciary in the Fight Against Corruption in Nigeria.

Crimes against Humanity under International Law-A Critique.

Cultural Relativism in Human Rights Discourse

Customary Inheritance to Land in Nigeria; The Benin Concept of the Igiogbe.

Customary Marriage under Ikwerre Native Law and Custom

Cyber Crimes and Cyber Torts under Nigerian Law

Delegation of Powers and Good Governance in Rivers State

Determination of Contract of Employment and the Issue of Fair Hearing under the 1999 Constitution

Determining the Age of Criminal and Contractual Liability in Nigeria: A Potential Clash of Reality?

Developing a Legal Framework for Alternative Reproduction in Nigeria

Developing a Legal Framework for Arbitration in Nigeria

Developing a Legal Framework for Climate Change in Nigeria

Digital Creativity and Copyright in Nigeria.

Discrimination against Women under Family Law: A Legal Appraisal

Dismissal in Nigeria Labour Law : Issues and Challenges.

Domestic Violence Against Women in Nigeria; Why, what and how?

Domestic Violence in Nigeria: A critical analysis of the Domestic Violence Law of Lagos State.

Double Decker Marriages in Nigeria, Issues and Prospects.

Electricity Regulation in Nigeria: A look at the Lagos Power Sector Reform Law.

Electronic Waste in Nigeria: Stemming the Tide

Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Nigeria

Enhancing the Credibility of Oral Testimonies in Judicial Proceedings in Nigeria: A Second Look at Oath Taking

Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Measures: Opportunities and Challenges of Local Authorities in Nigeria

Environmental Pollution in Nigeria: Legal Framework and the Need for Proactive Enforcement

Environmental Protection and Human Rights in Nigeria: A Legal Appraisal

Environmental Protection and Oil Spills in Nigeria;

Environmental Remediation in Nigeria: The Case of Ogoni Clean up-Issues and Perspectives

Equality in Disability: The rights of Children with Disability in Nigeria.

Evidentiary Rules Governing the Admissibility of Documents under the Nigerian Evidence Act, 2011

Examinations of the Concepts of Intoxication and Provocation as Defences to Criminal Liability

Executive Lawlessness in a Democratic State: A case study of Nigeria

Exploring the Subtle Distinction between Freedom of Speech and Hate Speech

Fair Hearing and the Abolition of Interlocutory Appeals in Criminal Proceedings in Nigeria

Fair Hearing, Speedy Trials and Interlocutory Appeals: Any Middle Course?

Freedom of Expression as a Fundamental Right Under Nigerian Law.

Freedom of Religion and National Development: Nature, Restrictions and Prospects.

Freedom of Speech and Hate Speech: Drawing the Distinction

Fundamental Human Rights and Female Genital Mutilation in Nigeria.

Fundamental Human Rights and Human Trafficking in Nigeria.

Globalisation, Technology and Terrorism: A Legal Appraisal

Good Offices and Mediation as Mechanisms of International Dispute Settlement

Hire Purchase Act and Consumer Protection in Nigeria: A Legal Examination

Historical Development of Islamic Jurisprudence

History and Development of Legal Education in Nigeria: Identifying Challenges and Prospects

Human Rights and Counter Terrorism

Human Rights and State Investor Dispute Settlement under International Law

Human Rights Debate: Universalism versus Relativism

Human Rights in Comparative Politics: Emerging Realities

Human Rights, Environment and Conflicts: Legal Approach in Addressing Crimes against the Environment in Nigeria

Human Rights, Poverty, Development, and Hunger in Nigeria: An Appraisal

Ideological (Mis)Use of Human Rights: A Legal Discourse

Impact of Economic Globalisation and Human Rights in Africa: A Case Study of Nigeria

Implementation of Gender Equality Visa-Vis Succession Under Customary Law: A Case Study of Ikwerre Native Law and Custom

Inhibiting Factors in Environmental Law Litigation.

Insanity as a Defence to Criminal Liability in Nigeria

Insider Trading in Company Law: An Appraisal

Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency Measures in Nigeria: A Socio-Legal Study

International Court of Justice: Blessing or Curse

International Environmental Law : State Responsibility and the Environment

International Environmental Law and the Problems of State Responsibility Approach

International Humanitarian Law and the Scope of Protections under it.

International Labour Standards and the Protection of Female Workers in Nigeria

International Law and Municipal Law : An Analysis of the Theories and Impact

Job Security and the Nigerian Worker: An Appraisal

Job Security in Nigeria; the need for a Regime Change.

Judicial Attitude to Inheritance Laws in Nigeria.

Jurisdictional Issues in the Adjudication of Labour Issues in Nigeria

Labour Legislation and Women Workers: An Appraisal

Labour Militancy and the Limits of Legitimate Industrial Action

Legal Analysis of the Legal Framework on Corporate Governance in Nigeria

Legal Analysis of the Mechanisms for Control of Insider Trading on Securities Transactions in Nigeria

Legal Framework for Developing the Mineral and Mining Sector in Nigeria

Legal Framework for Pension Management in Nigeria: An Examination

Legal Framework for the Protection of the Nigerian Child.

Legal Issues in the Winding up of Companies

Liability for Exercising the Right to Strike in Nigeria: An Analysis

Liability for Medical Negligence Under Nigerian Law.

Liability for Oil Pollution in International Environmental Law.

Limitation Laws under the Nigerian Legal System.

Limitation of Actions and the Public Officers Protection in Nigeria: Issues and Prospects.

Locus Standi as an Obstacle to Environmental Justice in Nigeria.

Maltreatment, Underpay and Abuse of Domestic and Commercial Workers

Management of Hazardous Waste in Nigeria: A Legal Examination

Marital Rape in Nigeria; Should Rape Do Us Part?

Micro-Insurance in Nigeria; the needs, issues and prospects

Morality and the Prohibition of Same Sex Marriage in Nigeria.

Music to our Ears: An Appraisal of Nigeria’s New Employee Compensation Act

National Justice and Contracts of Employment in Nigeria: An Analysis

Natural Resources Governance in Nigeria; Lessons from Selected Federations

Non-Justiciable Provisions of the Nigerian Constitution

Nuclear Proliferation in the Context of International Humanitarian Law: A Discourse

Oil and gas Pipelines: A catalyst for Development or A Source of Conflicts

Online Piracy and the Digital Environment.

Organisational Liability for Environmental Crimes in Civil and Common Law: The Case of Nigeria

Participation of Children in Armed Conflict; the Human Rights Implications

Plea Bargaining in Nigeria; Issues and Prospects.

Political Strikes and the Limits of Legitimate Industrial Actions in Nigeria

Power Sector Reforms in Nigeria: A Legal Appraisal

Powers and Limitations of University Examination Malpractice Panels

Privacy and Terrorism in Nigeria.

Private Exploration in Nigeria: A Legal Analysis of Measures and Policies

Promotion of Local content in Nigeria

Protecting Environmental Rights as Human Rights in the Case of Nigeria

Protecting Reproductive Health and Rights in Nigeria

Protecting the Environment in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: The Issues at Stake

Providing a Legal Solution to Examination Malpractice in Nigeria

Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making-A Critique

Public Servant and Trade Unionism in Nigeria: An Appraisal

Rape Simpliciter Vs Marital Rape: Effects and Implications

Restroative Justice in Nigeria; The Future of Punishment.

Rethinking the Corporate Personality Principle in the Light of Contemporary Realities in Nigeria

Reviewing the Importance of the International Safety Management Code (ISM) to Nigeria Maritime Industry

Revisiting the Right to Silence under Nigerian Law.

Revocation of Banking License in Nigeria: the Role of CBN and NBIC: A Critique

Right to Education of Physically and Mentally Challenged Children

Rights of Motorists in Nigeria: A Legal Examination

Rights of Patients in Nigeria: A Legal Examination

Sanctity of Marriage in Statutory and Customary Parlance: Myth of Reality

Separate Personality and the Corporate Veil: An analysis of the Liability of Company Directors Under Nigerian Law.

Settlement of Disputes in International Law: Problem and Prospects

Settlement of Disputes in International Law: Problems and Prospects.

Settlement of Industrial Dispute in Nigeria: The New Role of the National Industrial Court under the 1999 Constitution: A Critique

Ship Registration, Ownership and Implication of Non-Registration in Nigeria

State Participation in the Exploration of Oil and Gas in Nigeria

State Sovereignty as a Challenge to International Criminal Law

Territorial Sovereignty and the Crisis of Jurisdiction in International Law

The Right of Workers to Strike in Nigeria: An Appraisal

The 1999 Constitution (as amended) as Schedule to a Decree: A Critique

The African Continental Free Trade Area: Implications of Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships within the African Maritime Domain

The Ancillary Relief of Maintenance Under Nigerian Law.

The Applicability of Polluter Pays Principle: An Appraisal of the Case of Nigeria

The Application of the Principles of Natural Justice to Contract of Employment: An Appraisal: Challenges and Suggestions for Effectiveness

The Benefits of Running a Transparent National Oil and Gas Company

The Centrality of Family Courts in the Protection of Child Rights

The Constitutional Right to Freedom of Speech vis-à-vis Hate Speech

The Constitutionality of the Customary Laws of Succession in Nigeria.

The Constitutionality of the Requirement of Pre-Action Notice in Nigeria.

The Constitutionality of the Rivers State Neighborhood Watch: A Legal Examination

The Dangers of Bio Degradable Materials in Port Harcourt: A Legal Response

The Death of Jesus Christ; A Legal and Jurisprudential Analysis.

The Deployment of Trust as Instruments for the Protection of Wealth: A Critical Examination

The Development of the Press in Nigeria from Colonial Era to Date: A Critique

The effects of Cabotage legal frameworks on crude oil transportation in Nigeria

The Effects of Child Labour on all Parties Involved: A Legal Analysis

The Effects of Slant Drilling of Crude Oil on Land Rights in Nigeria

The Effects of Statutes of Limitation on Delayed Payment of Compensation on Compulsorily Acquired Land

The Exception of Fair Dealing is Perhaps the most Significant Defence in Copyright Infringement

The Factories Act and Industrial Safety in Nigeria

The Factories Act and Industrial Safety in Nigeria : An Analysis

The Freezing of Bank Account of Governor Fayose by the EFCC: What does the Law say?

The Global Challenges of Climate Change: A Legal Appraisal

The Impact of Nigerian Money Laundering Act on Client Confidentiality

The Impact of Land Use Act 1978 on Planning and Development of Land

The Implications of Accommodation Doctrine on the Surface rights in Crude Oil Communities

The Implications of the International Legal Framework on Disputes Settlement on Nigeria’s Oil Industries

The implications of the Rule of Capture on Crude Oil Ownership in Nigeria

The Inadequacies of the laws governing the Transfer of Crude Oil Concession Rights

The Influence of Religion on Law in Nigeria

The Journey to Onyibor Anekwe & Anor v Maria Nweke; Ukeje v Ukeje: A Legal Analysis of Women’s Rights in Nigeria

The Judiciary as a Tool for National Development

The Lapses in the regulatory framework of Oil Pipelines in Nigeria

The Law Against Abortion in Nigeria; Issues and Prospects

The Law and Practice of Receivership in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects

The Law of Domicile in Common-Wealth Countries

The Legal Framework for Developing the Renewable Energy Sector in Nigeria

The Legal Framework for Diversifying away from the Oil and Gas Sector in Nigeria

The Legal Framework for Environmental Protection in Nigeria

The Legal Framework for Micro-Insurance in Nigeria

The Legal Imperatives for Mergers and Acquisition under Corporate Law and Practice in Nigeria

The Legal Intricacies of Corporate Restructuring and Rescue in Nigeria

The Legal Regime for Cybersecurity and Online Protection under in Nigeria.

The Legal Regime of Carriage of Goods by Sea

The Legal Status of Collective Bargaining and Collective Agreement under Nigerian Industrial Relations

The Legal Stipulations on Dissolution of Marriages Under Nigerian Law.

The Licensing Regime of the Petroleum Sector

the Local and International Responses to Oil Spills.

The loopholes in the legal regime of Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology in Nigeria

The Myth of ‘Alternative’ Dispute Resolution in Nigeria

The Need for Training in Adjudication for Development of the Nigerian Judicial System

The Political Economy of Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

The Power of a ‘Power of Attorney’ in Land Transactions: A Re-evaluation

The Protection of Musical Works on the Internet.

The Protection of the Human Rights of Domestic Servants Home and Abroad

The Protection of the Nigerian Child; An overview of Fostering in Nigeria.

The Protection of the Worker and the Industrial Law Regime in Nigeria.

The Regulation of Insurance Business in Nigeria: Issues and Prospects.

The Relationship between Law and Justice in the Nigerian Legal System

The Right to Collective Bargaining in Nigeria: An Appraisal.

The Right to Membership of Trade Unions in Nigeria

The Right to Privacy in the Digital (Internet) Era.

The Rights of an Accused Person under Nigerian Legal System

The Rights of Mentally disabled persons in Nigeria.

The Role of Oil and Gas Law in Promoting Sustainable Environment

The Socio-Legal Challenge of Domestic Violence: The Law as Panacea

The Status of the Right to Strike in Nigeria: An Appraisal

The Struggle between Power and Citizens Rights in Nigeria: The Search for Balance

The Sustainable Development of the Petroleum Sector in Nigeria

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982: Implications for Marine Pollution Prevention Efforts in Nigeria

The United Nations: Failures and Successes.

The War Against Terrorism and Infringement of Fundamental Human Rights in Nigeria.

The Workability of the Jury System in Nigeria

Towards Developing a Legal Framework for Alternative Reproductive Techniques in Nigeria

Towards Entrenching Internal Democracy in Political Parties in Nigeria

Towards Promoting the Rights of Women in Nigeria

Towards Protecting the Rights of Consumers in the Educational Sector

Towards Protecting the Rights of the Child in Nigeria

Towards the Abatement of Sex Crimes in Nigeria

Treaty Bodies and Enforcement of Treaties

Unlawful Dismissal and Termination of Employment in Nigeria: Any Legal Protection?

Upholding the Sanctity of Marriage under the Evidence Act: A Legal Analysis

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961 and Misuse of Immunities.

Wages and Protection of Wages for Workers in Nigeria

Women in the Society: Nigeria and the World

Zero Causualty Warfare and the Challenges of Contemporary Armed Conflict: An Appraisa


Quite eccentric really

Comment (7)

Good morning..pleases I wanted to know if materials are available on these topics listed here and how one can get these materials?


Yes they are all available on this site. You may access them via the menu tree nested at the top of each page.


Can’t see anything on


Esther Odirachukwuma

How can I get a copy on the project topic: critical analysis of customary system of inheritance in nigeria

Asmau Abdulkarim

How can I access the complete materials


How can I access this


They are available on Google Scholar


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