21 Jan


Before the Land Use Act was passed in 1978, communal authorities owned and ran properties and could give or rent them to whoever they wanted.By passing the decree, all land (mostly in cities) was given to the State government to own and run on behalf of the people.Below, we’ll talk about the different types of land titles and how they affect who owns the land.


When the government shows no interest in a property, that property is said to be “free hold”. Land is considered to be in the hands of the government when the government is interested in the area for urban development or industrialization projects.


Land that the government wants to buy can either be bought on a global scale or on a committed scale. A piece of land with “committed acquisition” means that the government has set it aside for a certain project. This means that no one can ever use that piece of land for a development project.

If you buy land that is already owned by the government, you will lose your investments when the government moves to take full possession of that land. Whereas, land under global acquisition hasn’t been given a specific government purpose yet, so these pieces of land can be freed or given away later, depending on the situation.

There are two main ways to make a land that has been taken over by the world free:

  • Surgery and
  • Ratification

In land excision, state governments follow legal rules and procedures to give land to native peoples or settlers. Since the Land Use Act was passed, the original landowners have been given money through land excision. A grantee who clears a piece of land keeps ownership and control of the land as long as they don’t break any laws or rules in their area.

To cut a piece of land is to excise it. This is the process by which the government gives a piece of land back to the people who originally owned it so that they can build on it. When this piece of land that was taken away is put in the government’s official gazette, it is called “Gazette as title”. Excision and Gazette are both good titles for a piece of land. Lands with these titles are safe to buy and build on because they can be given a proper title.

For instance, both real estate development companies X and Y have two plots of land for sale in the same area. But the land owned by Company X is selling for 5 Million naira, while the land owned by Company Y is selling for 7.5 Million naira. Clients notice this, and because the prices are different, they move quickly to buy land from Company X. Two years later, Company X tells its clients that the state government has started clearing the land and that each person will have to pay 3 million naira to finish the process. There are several complaints. Clients of Company Y, on the other hand, are free to build on that land because it has already been cleared.

The process of excision takes a long time and costs a lot of money. Then, when a landowner and vendor go through that process, he figures out how much a piece of land costs by adding up all the costs. Also, Nigerian law gives control of a state’s land to its governor. Before the Land Use Act of 1978, however, Nigerian lands were taken care of by communities and traditional families. Since the Land Use Act went into effect, the state governors are the only ones who can make decisions about land. They can also let former landowners who have proof of ownership rights back onto their properties. You can also find out how to invest in real estate and how to do a land survey.

Getting rid of the property can be a good thing, but the process is time-consuming and strict. Among them are: Fill out an application for excision at your state’s land-use allocation committee. Each state has a committee of its own. Here, you list the reason for Excision, the number of people, and any other information that is needed. Any other committee set up in your state, like the technical committee, etc., may do more work on it. Sending the perimeter survey to the surveyor-general and looking over the information on the charts

The technical committee looks at the land to make sure that everything matches what is written in the letter of application for excision. The technical committee makes sure that the master plan fits with the land plan use. Based on what they found about the land, the technical committee is putting together a report for your state’s land-use allocation committee.

Your state’s land-use allocation committee looks over the information sent by the technical committee, puts together final reports, and sends them to the governor of your state with a yes or no vote.

After the state governor approves and gets the plan, the surveyor-general is called and a survey of the land is done. Local planners, families, and other people with a stake in the land draw a layout design plan on the land and send it to the state ministry of physical planning and economic development.

Then move on to the indemnity agreement excision, where the guarantees agree with the government to take the land incomplete. They also settle all claims to the land that were made before the agreement was made.

The technical committee will put the cut in your state’s official gazette. Publication in any official newspaper that is widely read. Guarantees must get a certificate of occupancy within 30 days of a notice in the newspaper. The office of the State’s land bureau gets final documents, reports on cutting off land, and administrative files. The Registrar of Lands would then put excisions, surveys, maps, names, and gazettes into the official archives at the Excised Lands Agency.

You need to know the following about Excised lands:

  • It costs a lot of money to buy.
  • One have full control of the land as long as you follow state and local laws.
  • It has gone through processes that are legal.
  • One can get rid of the fear of losing the land in the future
  • Gives the owner peace of mind and cuts down on complaints and noise.
  • Has no big problems in the long run.

Land Regularization, which is also called “Ratification,” is what happens when a person or business buys land that belongs to the government. But not all land owned by the government can be made legal. Any land that will be regularized must not be in an area that the government has already promised to use, and it must follow the state’s rules for urban planning.

For regularization, the land must be bought from the government in a “proper” way. After buying the land from the “omo-onile” (vendor), you still have to pay the government for it again. After regularization, the government gives the land back to the person who asked for it and gives them a certificate of occupancy (C of O).

It is very important to know the land’s status before buying it so that you don’t buy government land and spend a lot more money than you need to. Charting is the process of finding out what a piece of land is like.

Charting is a very important part of land work, and Registered Land Surveyors are the ones who do it.

Some other land titles are:

  • Certificate of occupancy
  • Governors consent

Registered deed of assignment

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