21 Aug


We conducted due diligence for a client who wanted to invest some money in real estate in the fast-rising area of Ibeju-Lekki before relocating with family.

The Client said she has checked the place and we took the documents and coordinates for verification. However, we noticed that the Coordinates and information provided relates to an area that is quite more developed.

We then called the seller and asked to visit the land with our own Surveyor to take the exact coordinates. The seller took us to a large expanse of land while we did a video call to the buyer (our Client) who checked the video and told us it was not the same land she was taken to. The Seller apologised and we were directed to the land (which is some minutes behind the land we were taken to).

We spent some time checking the environment and asking around to know if someone else will show up. There was no disturbance, and some Omonile in the area knew the seller who they called “Surveyor”. The Omonile were also friendly with the Surveyor (seller).

After inspecting the area, we took the coordinates with our own surveyor and searched the Land Registry. Our search showed that the site falls within the Orimedu-Lekki revocation area – at Ibeju Lekki local government Lagos state. We advised our client to run.

When we confronted the seller to know if he will tell the truth, he said he has been selling to people and some have started doing foundation with no disturbance. We showed him the revocation report and he disappeared since then.

These sellers just want to make money. Don’t be a victim of land scam.

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